WikiRug:Content disclaimer
In its encyclopedic function, WikiRug contains thousands of articles on a vast array of topics related to rugs. All topics are edited or written by a voluntary association of individuals and groups working to develop a common resource. Our active community of editors uses tools such as the Special:RecentChanges and Special:NewPages feeds to monitor new and changing content to observe if there are contents need correction or filtering. However a relatively small fraction of this topics may frequently censored by educational, governmental, corporate, parental, and other filtering schemes.
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WikiRug's current policy is to include such content, provided it breaches neither any of our existing policies (especiallyNeutral point of view) nor the laws of the United States, where WikiRug is hosted. None of articles that may contain such content contain warnings.
In any case, WikiRug is a work in progress, and many articles contain errors, bias, or duplication, or may simply need tender loving care. We encourage readers to help us fix these problems. The great majority of articles are written primarily or solely by individuals who are not subject matter experts, and may lack academic or professional credentials in the area.
WikiRug contains obscure information that would not be covered in a conventional encyclopedia. WikiRug's coverage is based on the interests of its volunteer contributors. Readers should not judge the importance of topics based on their coverage in WikiRug, nor assume that a topic is important merely because it is the subject of a WikiRug article.
See also: WikiRug:Verifiability.