Turkmen Carpets: The Neville Kingston Collection

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Turkmen Carpets: The Neville Kingston Collection
Turkmen Carpets The Neville Kingston Collection 1-Elena Tsareva-WikiRug.jpg
Turkmen Carpets The Neville Kingston Collection 2-Elena Tsareva-WikiRug.jpg
General information book
TitleTurkmen Carpets: The Neville Kingston Collection
Alternative title(s)Turkmen Carpets: The Neville Kingston Collection
CreatorElena Tsareva
PublisherArnoldsche Verlagsanstalt (July 30, 2016)
Format9.88 x 1.11 x 12.97 inches, 240 pages

Turkmen Carpets: The Neville Kingston Collection, create by Elena Tsareva. The publication introduces for the first time the extraordinarily rich yet previously unknown British collection of Turkmen tribal carpets, rugs and trappings by Neville Kingston. The exceptional private collection forms the departure point for an exciting account of the development of the Turkmen weaving tradition, which lies at the heart of Eurasian textiles.
Thanks to Elena Tsareva's extensive study of the art of Turkmen carpets in the light of archeological and historical data, a complex picture of central Asian textiles has emerged. It shows how every epoch has contributed to the fundamentals of carpet-weaving and enriched it with new motifs, compositions and techniques.