Template:Early evolution of the light bulb

<timeline> ImageSize = width:700 height:1400 PlotArea = width: 578 height:1250 left:70 bottom:55 DateFormat = yyyy Period = from:1800 till:1913 TimeAxis = orientation:vertical order:reverse ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1800 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:1800


 at:1801 text:"Sir Humphry Davy—Platinum filament"
 at:1809 text:"Sir Humphry Davy—Carbon arc lamp"
 at:1835 text:"James Bowman Lindsay—Incandescent light demonstration"
 at:1840 text:"Warren De la Rue—Vacuum tube enclosure"
 at:1841 text:"Frederick de Moleyns—Powdered charcoal filament"
 at:1873 text:"Joseph Wilson Swan—Carbon fibre filament"  
 at:1875 text:"Woodward & Evans—Gas filled ""globe""
 at:1880 text:"Thomas Edison—Long lasting filament"
 at:1881 text:"Hiram Maxim—Improved carbon filament manufacturing process (U.S. Patent No. 405,239)"
 at:1882 text:"Lewis Howard Latimer—Improved carbon filament manufacturing process"
 at:1883 text:"George Bowron and Walter Hibbert—Improved carbon filament manufacturing process (U.S. Patent No. 304,901)"
 at:1885 text:"Louis Heinze—Helical-shaped filament (U.S. Patent No. 319,580)"
 at:1886 text:"Thomas Edison—Improved carbon filament manufacturing process (U.S. Patent No. 490,954)"
 at:1889 text:"Edward P. Thompson—Improved carbon filament manufacturing process (U.S. Patent No. 401,606)"
 at:1892 text:"Thomas Edison—Improved carbon filament manufacturing process"
 at:1904 text:"Hanaman & Just—1st patent for tungsten filament"
 at:1910 text:"William David Coolidge—Drawn tungsten filament"
 at:1913 text:"Irving Langmuir—Gas filled lamp, coiled tungsten filament"
