Mazlaghan Rug

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Mazlaghan Rug
Design of Mazlaghan Rug (Rugman)
General information
NameMazlaghan Rug
Original nameقالی مزلقان
Alternative name(s)Mazlaghan Carpet
Origin Iran:
CategoryCity rug
Technical information
Dyeing methodNatural dyes, synthetic dyes

Mazlaghan is a rug made in the northern province of Iran known as Zanjan, which means 'dear wife'. It produces many beautiful Persian tribal rugs, which are all handmade by nomadic Persian tribes living in the north. The colors of these rugs are usually very bright and lively. The quality is very good and the rugs have proved to last a long time. An authentic Mazlaghan Persian rug is an ideal way to add something exotic to a room, which could use some flavor.[citation needed]